Welcome to St. John's Catholic School

We are committed to Catholic formation and academic excellence, preparing students to be productive citizens and faith-filled servants of God.

Lunch Calendar Newsletter Forms Supply Lists FACTS tour tour

A Catholic education is a one-of-a-kind learning experience because it focuses on more than just academics. We believe in nurturing the whole child in a safe and secure environment. Click Here to learn more.

Snapshot of St. John's School


We invite you to visit our school.
Click Here to schedule a visit



2025-26 New Student Application

2024-25 New Student Application

Mark Your Calendar! February 20, 2025 is St. John's School OPEN HOUSE 5pm-6:30pm. The Public is invited.

Important Dates

25-26 Re-Registration for current SJS students is OPEN, Click Here.

Registration is Open to EVERYONE, Click Here.


Feb 6: Spirit Shirt Day!

Feb 7: Adoration for Grades 5-8

Feb 10: Spring Pictures, Out of Uniform

Feb 11: Class Pictures, In Uniform

Feb 11: PTO Meeting, 6pm in the Cafeteria

Feb 13: Out of Uniform PTO Fundraiser, Click Here

February 20, 2025 is St. John's School OPEN HOUSE 5pm-6:30pm. The Public is invited.




choose act

The CHOOSE Act Application is OPEN! Qualifying students who enroll in or currently attend Diocese of Birmingham Catholic schools can receive up to $7,000 a year for tuition, certain fees, and other eligible expenses. CLICK HERE to learn more. Families seeking funds for utilization of the Choose Act must also apply to St. John's by completing our application.

Special Announcements

Gala Tickets

Click Here to purchase your tickets, today.
The Gala is March 1, 2025. Come join the fun!

Please Donate to Our Gala!

Please consider supporting the Gala by donating ANY of the items listed in the flyer (Click Here). We will be collecting donations EVERY Friday from 7:15am-8:15am in the K4 Parking Lot. THANK YOU!! Email the Gala Chairs if you have any questions, Click Here.

Please VOLUNTEER to help with the Gala. Click Here to learn more.


lands end

is NOW St. John's School uniform supplier for our K5-8th grade students. Click Here to go to St. John's School Lands' End Uniform page.



Click Here to see information about pricing/purchasing your 2024-2025 Yearbook. Click Here to go to the yearbook order site.

Catholic Education

A Catholic education forms compassionate yet judicious leaders who are prepared to rise up to the complexities of a dynamic and ever-changing world. Graduates of Catholic Schools have solid academic foundations, spiritual fortitude, strong moral convictions, and the desire to be civically engaged. Guided by God’s grace, we give students the tools they need to shape their futures and to become their best selves. As Catholic educators, we are humbled by the knowledge that our students move on to translate their spirituality, skills and scholarship into actions that transform the world.